Inv. n°: CL1309

Jeune femme à la guitare (Young woman with a guitar)

Signed lower right. Inscription on the back of the frame "Music".

h. 38 x w. 46 cm
c. 1935
Oil on canvas


  • Ex private collection of Pierre and Jeannine Consten
  • Acquired at Galerie Bailly Genève, Chambésy, 01/01/2023


  • Daniel Marchesseau, Marie Laurencin catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint, Éditions du musée Marie Laurencin, Japon, 01/01/1986, p. 478, illus. no. 1178
  • D. Zorzi, "5 choses à savoir sur Marie Laurencin", Le magazine des enchères, 01/01/2023, p. 1 and p. 4


  • FAMM (Femmes Artistes du Musée de Mougins), Mougins, France, from 21st June 2024 to present day

© Fondation Foujita / Adagp, Paris

N.B. Our online collection is being continually updated thanks to ongoing research and documentation efforts carried out by the FAMM documentation team. Any additional information is welcome, please contact us.